It's been so busy here at Camp Cho-Yeh! I have noticed as I get back into the Event Manager routine that little worries keep popping up in my head. But this short list of worries seems quite specific to my job, the Stonehenge of my life, so to speak. So, I thought I'd share because I'm starting to doubt I'll ever worry about them once I step out of camping ministry.
Things I Worry About
Snakes, possums, bobcats, dumpster cats.
My radio died….again.
The maintenance shed is locked but I NEED a
machete NOW.
I’ll get a call to come unclog a toilet…at
one in the morning.
I forgot my headlamp…again.
Jack-knifing the truck & trailer.
I’ll get my harness on to belay for three
hours…and have to pee.
What am I going to wear?
"But I already have my harness on!"