Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Silly & Stupid

(Image via Pinterest, text added by yours truly)

Never has this statement been more true than when working with kids at camp.

Never have I had more fun, never have I given and received more joy and love than when I am forgetting myself. Forgetting that the cute camp staff boy with the winning smile is in the same room, forgetting that pink feather boas are not my thing, forgetting that letting seven-year-olds fix your hair never means magazine-worthy, but loving every single second of it.

There’s always some resistance, some thought that says, “You’re an adult, you’re acting immature, people are staring,” and then there’s the smile of a little girl whose mom sent Groucho glasses for the whole cabin. There’s the joy at losing yourself in a dance made up by little girls unblemished by self-conciseness and peer pressure.

The fear of letting go of looking silly and stupid is constantly holding me back. But the moment I give up my resistance the Lord allows such an indescribable excitement and joy. It's the fullness of life all crammed into the moment you're dancing like a lunatic or attempting to cartwheel because you've lost it.

Gregory House puts it perfectly when he says this:

(Image via Pinterest, text added by yours truly)

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