Monday, November 28, 2011


I realize how silly it seems to many people who don’t have my life that I went camping when I work and live at a camp. But you have to realize, we live in a nice house. It has IKEA furniture, a full kitchen, hot water all the time, and cable. We’re not roughing it at all. Sure, we have a gorgeous backyard with a lil’ lake and acres upon acres of trees and trails and the like. But we see this nature every day. Just like everyone else in the modern world, we needed a little getaway from our every day.

So, my good friend, Nate, and I went camping. It was a glorious time full of hiking, cooking over a fire, reading by the water, sharing stories and keeping our eyes and hopes alert to alligators.

I am blessed.


  1. love this! Glad you didn't get eaten by gators! :) Trust me, I totally get "getting away" or wanting to go camping! We camp in our backyard sometimes.

  2. Haha, that's adorable. Probs going to do that when I have my own place/tent too! I do tend to build a lot of forts indoors getaway :)
