Monday, February 27, 2012

Sweets & Retreats (When your day is a swear word)

I know it may seem that I have the perfect job and live a wonderfully carefree life but keep in mind that I usually write about the best parts of my life. In an effort to do what the cool kids call “keepin’ it real” I will try to be brave enough to write about even the bad stuff.

Because we all have those days when nothing is going right or well and we skim past the otherwise good moments because we feel as if another terrible one is waiting for us.

Food doesn’t have taste and you eat it just because you have to and a smile means nothing and even those arms of a friend wrapped around you sustain you for a second and then all is lost in another problem.

Everyone seems on the edge, on the brink of punching you in the face, over the tiniest comment or was it the tone of that comment? Either way something small can set you or someone around you off and the nail gun trigger is stuck and no one escapes unscathed.

Sometimes you just want to get through the day, none of this cherishing bull, none of this count your blessings when you’re in the midst of a crisis here, people.

Your retreat group wants to change their schedule, you got switched to running your least favourite activity of all-time, AND your campfire just won't light.

Sometimes your day is a swear word. Or it’s all of ‘em. And it’s ok to just get through because it’s all you can do. But don’t let those days define you. Do your best even when you don’t feel like it. Accept the goodness with the bad.  Because we all know those days pass.

So , let it pass. Find something to help it pass, like we did. We use the phrase, “sweets and retreats” to mean that everything sucks right now. Because sometimes it just does and there’s nothing you can do about it but know that it will pass and what will matter is how you acted in the midst of a horrible situation.

Just ask the good Lord to help you to laugh it all off with an inside joke shared with people stuck in the same trash pit as you are.  

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